Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Current Housing Market in UK and What to Expect Further in 2017

The past year has seen a number of fluctuations in UK as a whole. Politically and economically, 2016 can be objectively said to one of the most interesting years in recent history for the nation. When it comes to the housing market, the past year has witnessed two significant changes, EU referendum that voted out and stamp duty.

Although stamp duty was introduced two years ago, the changes started becoming more apparent near the end of 2016. The changes in stamp duty had a great impact on the market where the cost of house buying has already shown substantial increase.

Coming to the effect of Brexit on housing prices, the data collected by Office for National Statistics show that buying costs were up by 6.9% all across UK. Since the start of 2016, gradual growth has been seen in the real estate market. However, this has been attributed to the shortage of homes available for sale. The number of properties becoming available in the market has decreased while the number of buyers has gone up.   

As you cans see, there is a lot happening in the current real estate market in UK. If you are looking to buy, sell, or rent property, it is advisable that you hire a competent real estate agency. Not only are the agents well aware of the current financial situation of the residential property market, they can also assist you with their own expert insight. If you are looking for houses, apartments, and or bungalows for sale Benfleet Essex, it is a great idea to hire a real estate agency.

Make sure that you choose a firm that has good reputation and reviews related to customer experience and quality of service. They will make sure that you get great property deals and lead you towards making profitable investments. Real estate agents will also be there during the closing to oversee the transaction and make sure that every penny you are spending worth it. Additionally, they will be a great help when dealing with the legal procedures like filling out forms and drawing up agreements.